Being Harder to Kill – What it means and why you should care

Reading Time: 8 minutes One of our much mentioned aims is to produce ‘happier, healthier, harder to kill humans’. Up until recently I assumed everyone would want a piece of this action. Happier. Healthier. Harder to kill. What’s not to like? Well, like many things that we as individuals take for granted; the things that we assume everyone thinksContinue reading “Being Harder to Kill – What it means and why you should care”

The Cuddlier Gentleman’s Guide to Chafing

Reading Time: 8 minutes WARNING: This post will give you more information than you ever wanted to know. We’ll be discussing the dark, moist places of chafage hell. If you are concerned about ever looking Glenn in the eyes again DO NOT READ ON. You have been warned. When I think of a mountain runner the image of theContinue reading “The Cuddlier Gentleman’s Guide to Chafing”

Tabata or not Tabata

Reading Time: 6 minutes The Wild Life approach to movement tries to be a broad as possible. We know that no single modality has the answer to everything. To be a healthy, happy, harder to kill human we need a mix of easy, slow movements, a complete assortment of movement patterns, to lift heavy things, to rest our bodiesContinue reading “Tabata or not Tabata”

The 14 Day Wild Life Reboot

Reading Time: 6 minutes What it is and why you should sign up. When we started Wild Life about 6 years ago it was an alternative means to engage people with the outdoors. We had always experienced huge benefits ourselves from being in nature, and when we came on board to set up and run Drumnaph Nature Reserve weContinue reading “The 14 Day Wild Life Reboot”

Four Of My Favourite Mobility Tools

Reading Time: 7 minutes When many people think of mobility they tend to think of stretching; you know, the classic sitting on the ground trying to grab your toes and making the pained grimaced face of someone who wished they had payed more attention to their flexibility years ago. And while stretching and flexibility definitely have their place withinContinue reading “Four Of My Favourite Mobility Tools”

Clothes To Move In

Reading Time: 6 minutes How to set your body free each and every day to make movement even more of an option. I am very particular about the clothes I wear. Anybody who knows me is laughing right now. I’m not talking stylistically, although I am immensely stylish, the world just hasn’t caught up with my sense of vogueContinue reading “Clothes To Move In”

5 Circles of Health – Movement Pt 2

Reading Time: 7 minutes What makes a movement practice? We are back again looking at the various elements that we consider to be vital for a healthy human movement practice. You can read part 1 here. We have already looked at the lower layer of the fitness pyramid; lots of general daily movement, mobility work, and low intensity cardio.Continue reading “5 Circles of Health – Movement Pt 2”

5 Circles of Health – Movement

Reading Time: 8 minutes What makes a movement practice? Today we are going to take a deeper dive into what makes up an ideal movement practice and what this might look like through a typical week. Movement is one of our 5 Circles of Health. These are the 5 areas that are vital to optimise human health, both physicallyContinue reading “5 Circles of Health – Movement”

Movement Matters

Reading Time: 5 minutes Six years ago we lost a great friend, James. I often find myself thinking about him especially around this time of year. James’ life and subsequent death had a profound affect on me. He taught me to not take my body for granted; that every day, every breath, every movement, and even every creak andContinue reading “Movement Matters”