Ancestors, Gurus, and Teachers

Reading Time: 8 minutes Throughout life we meet an endless stream of teachers to help us on our own individual journey through existence. These might be teachers at school, or an instructor of some skill, belief or practice. They could equally be family members, friends, or total strangers. They could be icons, heroes or legends. They could be non-human,Continue reading “Ancestors, Gurus, and Teachers”

My 5 Favourite Movement Books

Reading Time: 8 minutes The world of movement can seem like a vast and confusing space. Conflicting information is rife. “Don’t do cardio coz it will ruin your gainz, bruh.” “Don’t lift weights over 5kgs, ladies, or you’ll get bulky” “Running is bad for your knees” “No pain, no gain!” All of which is bollocks. Then there are theContinue reading “My 5 Favourite Movement Books”

5 Circles of Health – Movement Pt 2

Reading Time: 7 minutes What makes a movement practice? We are back again looking at the various elements that we consider to be vital for a healthy human movement practice. You can read part 1 here. We have already looked at the lower layer of the fitness pyramid; lots of general daily movement, mobility work, and low intensity cardio.Continue reading “5 Circles of Health – Movement Pt 2”

The Wild Gym – Nature’s Gift for Natural Movement – Part 1

Reading Time: 9 minutes As modern humans in western society we are very good at making excuses as to why we can’t do something. And when it comes to moving our bodies we are veritable experts at it, able to conjure up a whole cornucopia of reasons as to why we can’t do it. Some reasons are of courseContinue reading “The Wild Gym – Nature’s Gift for Natural Movement – Part 1”

Movement Matters

Reading Time: 5 minutes Six years ago we lost a great friend, James. I often find myself thinking about him especially around this time of year. James’ life and subsequent death had a profound affect on me. He taught me to not take my body for granted; that every day, every breath, every movement, and even every creak andContinue reading “Movement Matters”

Life Lessons From My Dog – Part 2

Reading Time: 7 minutes That’s right folks, we are back with another dazzling episode of Life Lessons From My Dog. Like a cross between Nietzsche and Chewbacca, he’s back with more golden nuggets of wisdom to make our lives better, our bodies healthier, our minds stronger, and our coats glossier. So lets delve into the wisdom that gushes forthContinue reading “Life Lessons From My Dog – Part 2”